Thursday, September 13, 2007

It's startin' to come together, boys

New bike has been purchased. Green 10-speed. Name TBD. I'll let you know when I have the christening ceremony. But campus seemer so much smaller when you're on a bike. Plus, I bought it from a cool guy named Mike who lives in the suburbs and uses his spare time to fix up old bikes and sell them to college kids on Craigslist. Standup guy.

And, drumroll.......

I'm buying a Mac. Yup. Taking the plunge. I spent the last few days thinking about what I should buy, but that intense desire to get a Macbook just kept coming back. When I heard they were having a deal for college students where you not only get a good price but they're throwing in a free-with-mail-in-rebate iPod nano, I was sold immediately. Sometimes sales pitches work because they're awesome sales pitches, and, if you're Apple, you know exactly who your target market is.


Anonymous said...

Utterly fantastic. I hope to see pictures of both.

Anonymous said...

welcome to the fold. Grand Dragon Jobs is pleased.