Sunday, April 16, 2006

All I wanted was some meat and cabbage in bread.

If I ever again experience the unpleasantness of running into someone who believes Christians are persecuted in this country, two things from today.

1) The cover of the World Herald -- A giant photo of three crosses titled, "The Wonder of Easter," and the story, "Christ's disciples follow in His shoes." In case you were curious, the OWH copy editors don't capitalize the "he" in stories about Mohammed.

2) I couldn't get a Runza because they closed for the day. I was pissed. Luckily, the hard-working people at El Chaparro churn out Lincoln's best Mexican food, rain, shine or resurrection.

Also, the monitor of the ancient family computer I was still using finally kicked it. This made me depressed, not for any real good reason, just that miscellaneous life shit shakes up my chemical imbalance and leaves me that way. Mostly, I'm just tired of not having nice stuff. I'm tired of not being able to watch baseball at home, and my feet hurt from walking. I got sweet new shoes today, but the fact remains, it's exhausting to be high-minded.

Also, I finishing edits on the final draft of my thesis. I wish I weren't. I'm good at school, and now that it's almost over I don't have any excuse for not dealing with the real-life crap that gives me panic attacks. Bury me in papers when I go.


melanie.feyerherm said...

Target was closed here. Those bitches. I wanted crust to make pizza. I had to settle for potatoes I already had.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday you. When you saw the OWH, did you laugh, cry, or go halvsies for good measure? Sounds like something straight out of the Daily Disappointment.

So what kind of real-world crap do you need for graduation? Your teacher sister is raking in the full-time dollars and wants to get you a good present.